Running… Sort of

woman running in winterWell I have to admit that this week has been less than stellar in terms of resolution progress.  My food intake was only about 50% healthy.  I owe this partially to the fact that I wasn’t prepared going into the week and then my car wasn’t working properly with the cold weather here.  I did make some progress though.  I worked out four times.  I prayed most days. My Scripture reading isn’t where I want it to be.  That said I am realizing today that perhaps I can’t make all of these changes at once.  I will try again once I have a strong foundation of working out and I get back into a rhythm.

I signed up for a running clinic.  It started yesterday.  So there I was dressed in layers to run in –30 Celsius without the wind chill.  The weather itself didn’t end up that bad.  But to be honest II struggled.  I knew I ran slow but it became all the more apparent when I couldn’t keep up with the rest of the group (all beginning runners.)  The instructor came back for me a couple of times.  Still I had hoped I could keep up.  I honestly don’t want to go back.

Here’s the thing.  I have avoided running with others since I started.  I think that God is pushing me to shed the identity of the kid in the gym class who gives up.  So yes I will be behind the pack for now.  It won’t be that way forever.  I will do my practices this week and I will return next week.  I will eventually catch up.

At work we are starting a Biggest Loser Challenge on Tuesday.  Although I don’t have a specific weight loss goal I thought that this would help me work towards my goals of eating well and exercising.  The session is seventeen weeks which should give me a really good start.   


mom_of_4 said…
"I think that God is pushing me to shed the identity of the kid in the gym class who gives up. So yes I will be behind the pack for now. It won’t be that way forever. I will do my practices this week and I will return next week. I will eventually catch up."

I LOVE that! The strength of your conviction brought tears to my eyes.
She said…
That was a pretty moving sentence, eh?

I had a thought... what if you just turned a bit to adjust your view of your resolutions. Say, for instance, that you had to be looking due north to see your life in the context of your accomplished resolutions.

Is it possible that you could currently be facing west-north-west, and that the goal is to move to be facing due north by the end of the year?

That way you can look back to see the progress you've made, rather than feeling dissappointed about the progress you haven't made.

At least, from the outside looking in, it's only Jan 17, and you've really accomplished quite a lot!

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