The Rubber Hits the Road
Last weekend I gave a testimony at church. I shared some things with hundreds of people that I had never shared publically before. I was terrified. I had a knot in my stomach all week. I went through a bunch of scenarios in my head that included me having to find a new church after the old one pushed me out. I was needy, asking for reassurance from those I trusted. I did it anyway. Why? I did it because I knew God was asking me to. I haven’t figured out what it means for others yet. I hope that I was part of a path for some to greater wholeness. I am not even sure what it means for me yet, except that none of my nightmare scenarios came true. I am blessed to be part of a wonderful community of people who warmly welcomed me to the ‘stage’. In the past couple days I have had the opportunity to hear my pastor speak. Last night he spoke at an event our church is calling Revive. I have to say he pretty much never...