
“I am the Lord, and I do not change.”

Malachi 3:6, NLT

On 9/11 I was at work. A friend of mine and I decided to walk to the church we went to at lunch to pray. It was the only thing I could think of to do. I remember coming out of that experience and realizing that what had changed was me. I didn’t pray for myself or my anxiety. I prayed for those affected. I prayed for God to stop the attacks. Still I left the church with a renewed faith that God was in control. He had not changed.

When I think of the phrase Unchanging One I think on a macro level. God has the world under control. His power has not diminished. His plan has not changed. He knows what he is doing. Those beliefs are correct but incomplete. God is unchanging on a micro level as well.

I think that unintentionally I have believed that although God doesn’t change the way he sees me could. He would always love me but his opinion of me could change. I had never really thought about it so much as lived that lie out. This morning I had that belief challenged. We can’t change God one bit! Our sin does not change Him - not even His thoughts. He never looks at us any differently. We are always as welcome to run into His arms as we were the first time.


Marnie said…
Hey Misty,

I have been enjoying reading your blog!

:) Blessings!


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