Not Really Lost

You were lost sheep with no idea who you were or where you were going.  Now you’re named and kept for good by the Shepherd of you souls.  (1 Peter 2:25, The Message)

I have been pretty silent lately when it comes to this blog.  That’s because I didn’t really know what to say.  I had some health issues that made me tired all of the time and feeling like I had the flu a lot of the time.  I stopped exercising because I barely had enough energy to get through the day, never mind run.  The doctor did a bunch of tests and found that most of my results were just a little bit off.  I felt the same way spiritually.

I didn’t know what to do so I started a Bible reading plan on faith.  The passage above is one of the first ones I read.  It reminded me that, although I felt totally lost and confused, I had a Guide.  I was not alone in my struggle.  I didn’t understand what was happening but He did, and He could heal me.

I am starting to feel a lot better now.  Last week I went to Portland for the Storyline Conference (check that resolution off.)  The conference was awesome.  It left me a lot to think about.  I am at a turning point now.  I just don’t know where I am going from here.  However I this Scripture reminds me again that I am not alone.  I will figure out where I am going.

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Esther said…
hey! i was looking for you at soul yesterday. now i know a bit of what was going on. looks like it was a cool conference!
Anonymous said…
thank you for writing this delightfully touching article.
please share your vision at my site:
Models From The Earth

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