Bad Friday

This past week I have had the vague feeling that something is wrong. It’s one of those times when I am pretty sure that God is doing something in my life, that He wants to move me. I am just not sure where…

Today is good Friday. At our church we refer to it as bad Friday. Today the weather is pretty yucky. There is rain, hail, and wind. I managed to go for a run today. It was cold and miserable. I got hailed on. Yeah, it wasn’t a great experience.

But what I do know, is that God is good. This week I had the privilege to visit with my friend and her 5 day old baby. She is beautiful. I don’t care what anybody says she smiles. And today another friend asked me to take care of her baby while she was doing some things at church. What a blessing. Another miracle.

I don’t know what God is doing but I know He is good. And even though the weather was horrible today I was able to increase my running interval. I half wonder if the cold weather helped.


Anonymous said…
"Bad Friday" = hahahaha. That is funny.

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