Today at church a woman was telling her powerful story about her faith journey. No matter what someone’s story is, it always makes me reflect on mine. Where are the similarities? What can I glean from the story? If I were to tell my story today, what would I say?
I haven’t been writing for a while. Mostly it seems that I don’t have a lot to say that I haven’t already said. I also realized that I needed to start going to God first before I told my story on this blog. The thing is, sometimes it is hard to interpret what I am hearing from God.
Today I wondered what story I would tell if I were to tell it. My story is full of trial and overcoming trial. A lot of things have happened to me that others find dramatic. Yet so much of that seems like history to me. I am wondering what story I am living today.
Over the past several months I have been very much focused on my health. I got to the point where I couldn’t very even function very well. I have seen a vast improvement. I am still focused on my health. I am wondering today if that is enough of a story. I am struggling with what else I should become involved in. I know that when I have too much on my plate I am vulnerable to so much. Yet I sense that God is calling me to something else.
Is it just to be honest about my health story? Or is there something more?