The Unexpected
This week I have been thinking about how God is always teaching us. I never expected that my goal to run a 5k in under 40 minutes would bring me to such a place where I had to explore some of my deepest wounds. I started sharing goals on Facebook last year which was a huge step. I even talked about hitting a wall in my blog. That said I have stayed away from really sharing about the struggle. These few weeks I have found God calling me to move past that. When I have shared that I am struggling people have been profoundly supportive. I am bolstered by their support. And I am happy to report that for the past two weeks at my running class I have someone to run with. Sometimes I have felt like these goals are self-indulgent. Now I know that I have been really living. And God has been using these times to help me face my insecurities about not been able to keep up with the group to teach me about asking for and accepting help. ...