Resolution Regret

After I posted about my resolutions I found myself coming across other things I ‘should’ have put on there:
- oh I shouldn’t be on Facebook so much
- oh I should clean out the closet in the bedroom
- oh I should have been more specific/strict about the definition of a healthy meal

And the list goes on.

All of these things are good things to do.  What I found out was that my resolutions focused me.  I was able to say, “yes but that’s not what I am working on right now.”  It seemed that none of them were more important than the things I was already working on.  And some of them might never happen or will happen naturally as a subset of what I am already doing.

I have made some progress on my resolutions.  I realized that I needed a plan and a way to measure them.  I am using a calendar I got for free to record the number of healthy meals, workouts, times I prayed, time I spent on scripture, events with friends, and photography sessions.

Working out has been going very well.  I ran outside today for the first time since the summer.  I actually enjoyed the cold weather keeping me from overheating.  I have a few logistical issues to work out but I am going to run outside as much as I can.

Food was pretty good until Friday came along.  But who cares.  Friday was my birthday and I had lunch out and a party yesterday.  Plus a friend made me cookies.  I felt so loved and valued at my party.  It was so much fun and the cake was AWESOME.  It was chocolate cake, with chocolate icing, chocolate filling, and chocolate chewy cookies crumbled on top.  What could be better?
posing in front of cakeblowing out candles for birthday

AND yesterday I registered for the Storyline Conference in Portland and booked my plane tickets on sale.  I am so excited I can hardly stand itSmile


RosalieG said…
I like the concept of living unforced rhythms of Grace. It goes with Christian theology anyhow - ie. God revealing his path to us to follow rather than us carving it out and asking him to bless it.

What you write about is a dichotomy and ongoing conversation I have with myself. Maybe what I am doing is what I "should" be doing.... Maybe I am on the perfect path. Sometimes setting goals can make us feel like we are never 'enough', but we are.

So for me this minute, I will conclude that where I am is the result of God's leading BUT if he puts a new idea in my head it will be up to me to put the steps on the calendar in order to move forward on it.
mom_of_4 said…
I love the phrase "yes but that's not what I am working on right now". I so needed that!! I get so distracted by all the other things that call to me that I lose sight of what I originally thought was most important. Thanks friend :o)

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