When There is Nothing to Say

Late in the year I had resolved to post more often.  My last post was January 20th.  I didn't realize it had been so long.  There are times when I just don't have a coherent thought to post.  I need time to be able to look at my life in retrospect.  I am not there yet.  That said, I am re-engaging the exciting things that make life more interesting.  Tomorrow I start a two week trial at a yoga studio less than a block away from where I work.  I want to try yoga again but what really attracted me to the studio was that they have a TRX studio.  I am both excited and intimidated by the prospect.


mom_of_4 said…

Love you my friend <3
Christy Miranda said…
Have fun with the yoga Misty! It is wonderful and so therapuetic!

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