Re-Imagining Unforced Rhythm
I have been thinking about re-starting my blog and I thought maybe I should re-brand, change the URL, start something new. So I came back to this one.
I read the description at the top.
Have you ever met someone for whom kindness and faith seem natural? I know it may not actually be effortless for them, in fact I know it isn’t. But there is a difference between moving forward and pushing forward. I want to be the kind of woman who lives in unforced rhythms of grace. I am not there yet. Perhaps I never will be.
My intent is to invite you along for that journey. Be forewarned that it will be a road with lots of bends and perhaps a little bit of traveling in reverse.
I still want to emulate the people I know who show the Unforced Rhythms of Grace. The articles I wrote are still true. So what has kept me from writing for so long?
For several years I have been posting sporadically, if at all, because I was trying to become someone I wasn't. I was trying to think more like a 'good Christian.' The person I was trying to emulate wasn't me. Lately I have been going through a very personal journey - which has lead me to changing the way I think about my spirituality. I want to explore and share that here from my own experience - which was always the intent of my blog.
I'm excited to do this because writing has been so life-giving to me. I want to share some of the things I have been thinking about. I do so with trepidation. I also do so with courage because I know there are thousands of people who have been through a journey similar to mine. Some call it deconstruction. I'm choosing to call it re-imagining.