Questioning Faith

When I tell people that I have been exploring faith questions and that has lead me to leave the church community I was going to, the automatic question is something like 'so are you questioning your belief in God?'  They want to understand what I mean.  At the beginning I wasn't even sure what I meant. 

I momentarily experimented with the idea of not believing in God.  I remember the moment in my car.  I was waiting for the light to change at the corner of St. Anne's and Bishop Grandin.  The experiment didn't last the light cycle.  Before the light turned green, I was back to believing in God.  I couldn't imagine life without believing in something bigger than me.  I believe that a higher something has some positive impact on the world.

My big sticking point was the concept of sin.  I have found that by trying to avoid sin, I just made myself miserable.  The things I was doing that I labelled as sin were really just coping mechanisms.  I just focused on the symptom (the coping mechanism) rather the dealing with my thinking that caused me to need the coping mechanism.  I became more pragmatic about sin.  If I did something that wasn't ideal, I acknowledged as a symptom and was kind to myself about it.  That finally pulled me out of the loop and gave me freedom to address the things I needed to.

In many evangelical churches, they believe in total depravity.  We are all sinners in need of grace.  The idea is meant to be inclusive - I fail, you fail, we are all in this together and in need of God's grace.  Taking the stance that I am basically depraved and in need of grace was psychologically damaging for me.  It's not helpful for me to believe I am a bad person in need of grace.  And I don't want to think of you as depraved and in need of grace.  I would rather look for the good in everyone.

That is where it started but I began to have many more questions that I am still exploring:

- What the correct use for the bible is in my faith (that it is not meant to be a literal document)
- The thought that experience guides my faith rather than driven just be scripture (scripture and tradition still have a place but I need to see what is happening around me.)
- The concept of hell and salvation

I will explore these and other concepts over the coming weeks and maybe years.  I have left my old posts here because they are a natural progression.  I may not totally agree with what I have written in the past.  It was as true and honest as it could be when I wrote it.


Anonymous said…
Hello Misty. Thanks for restarting your blog. I have been in a similar place for the past number of years. It is a lonely season. But in this time is a reconstructive surgery. I can identify with everyone of your comments to the place where I have been reading books outside of the many years of evangelical theology. It has lead me to a good place. If interested I can provide many book recommends. What I have found most challenging are the many who deem this heretical or like you said have stated I have lost my faith. It has been far from this. It has been a reconstructive process that while painful has allowed me to question things I always thought were off limits. You hit all the big ones of institutional church. My mom and dads passing of cancer has lead me to this place. I experienced cruelty of another level from people I didn’t expect. Words spoken that caused a brokenness like a deep well. That cruelty was instrumental because it broke me. I don’t wish that on anyone. It’s abusive. I heard all the lingo. The platitudes. Sometimes I don’t have words for the pain that I have experienced but that’s why I read blogs like yours to help me process the emotions and psychology of what I have gone through. So please write. Don’t stop like I did. I stopped because of hurt. I couldn’t press through. Thanks for your courage. It’s inspiring. JZ

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