This Week
I realized a couple of weeks ago that I was regretting entering The Biggest Loser contest at work. At first I thought this would just help me focus on my goal. I have found that it is counter-productive for me. I am focusing on a number on the scale… a goal I never set. I know that if I strive for eating healthy and exercising I will lose weight. It just won’t be on a timeline. Today I am starting to understand that I need to ignore the contest or it will drive me crazy.
I have had some aches and pains that are on the edge of injury. I am committed to continue to run. I did a strength training workout this week as well. I chose not to do a second strength training because I was already in pain on Thursday and I was afraid I would injure myself. I think it was the right choice.
Yesterday I did run six minutes walk one minute. I have never done that before. I think six minutes is the longest I have run and that was with an equal walking interval. It was really hard and by the end I am sure I would have walked faster. But I kept going. Next week is eight minutes. I am both terrified and excited about the prospect.
This morning my pastor made me think about how far I have come in the past few years. I have had victory over things I never thought I would and that has allowed me to even consider tackling my health. I am so glad I am not in that place anymore. Sometimes remembering where we have been gives us the courage to move forward.
Increasing by 2 minutes is big too...good luck. You can do just have to think you can and have it set in your mind before you start that you will do it
Kyla - yep it's The Running Room. I am hoping the two minute increase will be partitially offset by the fact I only have to do it twice:-)