
One day I was talking to a friend in our church’s prayer room. I confessed some of the things I was struggling with to her. She asked if she could pray with me. We held hands and prayed together. Both of us cried. At the end of the prayer we both heard angelic music – as if heaven had heard our prayers and wanted to give us a glimpse of reality from their vantage point.

As part of the technical team I knew that the music came out of a speaker in the room that is designed to allow nursing mothers to be able to hear what is going on in the main room. I also knew that someone at the sound board had put the CD in as a way to set the mood for what was about to happen. I even knew who was doing sound that day.

All of that knowing did not diminish God’s message to me. He had heard my prayer. Just because He had used something ordinary to do that doesn’t change the divine nature of that moment. We said Amen and the angels sang.

For the past two weeks when I have been at church the earth has been shaking while we pray. Yes I know that the train going by is causing the building to tremble. I also know that the God who created all things could use a train going by to let us know that the earth is moving when we pray.


Brad said…
Funny....I thought the same thing this morning when I felt the train pass by.

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